Job Builder Word Banner

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The Compensation and Classification team is excited to announce the launch of Job Builder. Job Builder is a tool for viewing and creating position descriptions for represented and non-represented staff positions and will serve as a workflow engine and repository for ALL STAFF (non-student, non-academic) job descriptions.

We have implemented this system to improve access to staff job descriptions for managers and HR Liaisons, to enhance the job description creation experience, and to standardize many aspects of the job description format systemwide. Job Builder offers many advantages that provide you with an improved user experience.

Advantages of Job Builder:

  • Both PPSM (non-represented) and Covered (represented) staff job descriptions will be created using Job Builder (no more word templates!).
  • Career Tracks job standards are incorporated into the tool.
  • The Classification Questionnaire is now incorporated as part of the template for all reclassification requests.
  • Classified job descriptions have been imported into the Job Builder platform.
  • Job Builder replaces ServiceNow for Position Control Requests.

What will you see when you log on to Job Builder:

Your level of access will determine the quick links you are able to view. Please see the Quick Link Overview for more information.

Matrix of Available Quicklinks by User

Job Builder Learning & Resources:


Use the Job Builder Feedback Form to provide feedback about Job Builder (positive or negative), and offer suggestions about how the system can be improved. You can also use this form to provide suggestions for changes to training materials.


If you have questions regarding UCSC Job Builder access, user accounts, or if you are having technical issues please email for assistance.