Separation – Expiration of Limited Appointment

I. Summary

An employee holding a limited, floater or casual/restricted appointment is automatically terminated as of the last day of the appointment unless there is an earlier separation or formal extension of the appointment.

II. Related Policies, Contract Articles and References

  1. Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) - employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement

    • PPSM 3 - Types of Appointments

  2. Union Agreements - employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement

III. Authority

The supervisor/designee has the authority to process separation paperwork when a limited, floater or casual/restricted appointment ends. The supervisor/designee has the authority to release a limited, floater or casual/restricted employee prior to their appointment end date.

An Expiration of Limited Appointment occurs when an employee who is hired into a limited or casual/restricted position is automatically terminated as of the last day of the appointment, unless there is an earlier separation or a formal extension of the appointment in writing.

IV. Forms/Resources