Investigatory Leave
I. Summary
An employee may be placed on an investigatory leave, with or without notice, to permit the University to review or investigate actions including, but not limited to, dishonesty, theft, or misappropriation of University property, fighting, insubordination, acts endangering others, or other conduct which warrants removing the employee from the worksite.
II. Related Policies, Contract Articles and References
Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) - employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement:
Union Agreements - employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
III. Authority
A supervisor may place an employee on investigatory leave after consultation with Employee & Labor Relations.
IV. Process Overview
- Manager/Supervisor Consults with their ER Analyst to determine if an employee should be placed on investigatory leave.
- If an employee needs to be placed on investigatory leave, the manager/supervisor Informs the employee orally that they are to leave the worksite.
- Manager/Supervisor In consultation with ER Analyst, drafts and issues the employee written notice of investigatory leave in accordance with policy or collective bargaining agreement.
- Manager/Supervisor Provides a copy of the notice to the ER Analyst.
- ER Analyst If the employee is represented, determines if a copy of the notice for investigatory leave needs to be sent to the union. If so, provides a copy to the LR Analyst to send to union.
- ER Analyst Provides written documentation to the Operations Supervisor of the investigatory leave action upon commencement and conclusion of leave.