Upcoming Classes

This page displays current Learning & Development class and workshop offerings designed to serve the needs of UC Santa Cruz employees. We also collaborate with the campus community to advertise and support professional development and training opportunities offered by other Departments.

The upcoming classes listed below provide only abbreviated descriptions, and are arranged in chronological order. Please note that some classes may have multiple sessions, as noted in the class description. Be sure to register for each class in the series!


You can register for all Learning & Development courses through our UC Learning Center, UC Santa Cruz’s online learning management system for staff. Remember to use your CruzID and gold password to gain access. Be sure to disable your popup blocker (or add uc.sumtotalsystems.com to the list of allowed sites in your pop-up browser settings). Contact our UC Learning Center team for assistance.

Please register via the UC Learning Center. Zoom meeting links will posted in the UC Learning Center and shared via Google Calendar to registered employees. Please ensure you are logged into your UCSC Zoom account before joining.

If you call into a Zoom training, please identify yourself or email us directly to ensure you receive credit for attending. For questions on how to attend a Zoom meeting and for technical difficulties, please visit the ITS Zoom page or open a support ticket by emailing help@ucsc.edu.

Thank you for your understanding!

For accessibility-related inquiries, or if you encounter issues with the UC Learning Center, please contact LearningCenter@ucsc.edu.


  • Professional Writing

    July 10, 2024 10:00am-12:00pm

    What is professional writing and should our language be affected when writing for the workplace? This workshop will focus on how to write clearly, concisely, correctly, and courteously. We will discuss differences when writing in our personal and professional lives, with particular attention to audience and context. The workshop aims to establish best practices for email writing, provide the opportunity for hands-on editing and explore questions on etiquette, approach, and effective communication.

  • Navigating the UCLC (University of California Learning Management System)

    July 23, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm​​

    Please join us for a tutorial on how to use the UCLC (University of California Learning Center). The UCLC is UCSC’s Learning Management System for employee training. In this tutorial, we will go through an interactive run-through as well as leave time for questions and answ​​ervs at the end of this training. Below are the topics that will be covered during the training: 1. Logging In 2. Finding a Class 3. How Classes are structured 4. Compliance and Assigned training 5. Express Interest 6. View Completed Training 7. Affiliate Accounts 8. Where to go for additional help.

  • Listening Our Way to Success : Applied Active Listening

    July 12, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm​​

    In order to make our best decisions, we want to be as informed as we possibly can be. In order to get things accomplished, we want to be able to understand how all the pieces fit together and where the needs and strengths of everything align. To do this most effectively, we start by collecting information. In this workshop, we’ll discuss active listening skills, practice those skills and then apply the knowledge gained to create productive, clear collaborations and smoother supervisory relationships while increasing overall workplace efficiency.

  • Fostering Creativity: Growing from Mistakes in Collaborative Spaces

    July 26, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm​​

    The purpose of this workshop is to equip participants with practical strategies for reframing failures as learning opportunities, cultivating a growth mindset, and fostering creativity within collaborative spaces. Unpack the diverse reasons behind organizational failures, hone your skills in conducting debriefs for team accountability and growth, and elevate your team’s learning curve and resilience.

  • Perspective Shifting: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

    August 9, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm​​

    In this workshop we approach solving problems and thinking critically as a shift in our habitual perspective. We will practice skills to cultivate curiosity and explore question framing to gather insights and information prior to moving into solving. We’ll discuss problem origin sleuthing and address our expectations and biases to gain understanding and create more effective solutions in our work environment and our work lives.

  • The Dignity Factor: Creating a Positive Work Environment

    August 23, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm​​

    This workshop will provide an introduction to the vital role of dignity in the workplace for strengthening relationships, resolving conflict, and making organizations healthier. Participants will learn practical guidelines for identifying elements of dignity, and behaviors that may compromise dignity; and discuss actionable steps to navigate challenging situations, and foster an inclusive workplace culture that values the dignity of every individual.