Rehire of Retirees
Under the Rehire Retiree guidelines, retirees may be reemployed by the University in certain instances to help fill a particular staffing need on a part-time basis and for limited duration as a result of university need.
Note: The policy applies to former employees who elect either lump sum cash out or a UCRP monthly retirement benefit. It includes the following provisions:
Re-employment must result from university needs. For example, the retired employee possesses skills and institutional knowledge that the hiring department cannot otherwise obtain with equal cost effectiveness; the hiring department anticipates a prolonged process for hiring a replacement; or the hiring department anticipates that the retired employee will assist the replacement in acquiring necessary skills and knowledge.
Reemployment must not occur until there has been a break in service of at least 30 days, and preferably 90 days. In addition, employees who have not reached normal retirement age (defined by UCRP as age 60 for most members and age 50 for Safety members), must not engage in discussions concerning reemployment until after they have received their first monthly payment or lump sum cash out or 30 days after separation, whichever is later.
The appointment must be limited to no more than 43 percent time in a 12-month period.
Employment of a retiree must not exceed a total of 12 months. If reemployment is necessary after 12 months, the request for continued employment must follow the same policy approval process as the original appointment under policy.
Department Responsibilities:
Contact your department's Talent Acquisition Consultant (TAC) in Staff Human Resources to discuss the nature of the request and to determine if the retiree is eligible for re-employment under the terms of the Reemployment of UC Retired Employees Into Senior Management Group and Staff Positions policy. Additionally, please send the following documents to your TAC:
Rehired Retiree Approval Form (UBEN 138)
Justification statement for the rehire of the retiree
Job Description
Talent Acquisition Responsibilities:
Reviews the request for compliance to policy, (i.e. percentage, duration of the appointment, etc.), and routes to the Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources for review and approval. The TAC will advise the department of decision (approval or denial). Note: exceptions to policy will require the Chancellor’s approval.