Termination – Limited, Floater or Casual/Restricted Appointment
I. Summary
An employee holding a limited appointment is terminated on the last day of the appointment unless a formal extension or an earlier separation date is requested.
An employee holding a floater or casual/restricted appointment is automatically terminated as of the last day of the appointment unless a formal extension or an earlier separation date is requested.
II. Related Policies, Contract Articles and References
Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) - employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement
PPSM 3 - Types of Appointments
Union Agreements - employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement
III. Authority
The supervisor/designee has the authority to process separation paperwork when a limited, floater or casual/restricted appointment ends. The supervisor/designee has the authority to release a limited, floater or casual/restricted employee prior to their appointment end date.
An Expiration of casual/restricted Appointment occurs when an employee who is hired into a casual/restricted position is automatically terminated as of the last day of the appointment, unless there is an earlier separation or a formal extension of the appointment in writing.