Dual Employment
I. Summary
Non-represented employees may hold dual employment appointments. Dual employment occurs when a staff employee who holds a full-time (100%) staff position in one department takes on an additional staff appointment in another department. This results in the employee working in excess of 100% time and the additional appointment may not exceed 20% time and the duration can not exceed 12 calendar months.
Employees can hold dual appointments at multiple locations, however, the total percentage of all appointments between multiple locations, must not exceed 100 percent.
Dual appointments are not available for staff and academic combinations if they will exceed 100% time.
II. Related Policies, Contract Articles and References
- Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) - employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement:
III. Authority
The employee’s current Supervisor and Unit Head and the requesting Supervisor and Unit Head are authorized to approve dual employment actions. Each Supervisor and Unit Head must agree to and approve the action.
IV. Criteria
Please refer to PPSM 30 for specific criteria.
V. Process Overview
- The hiring unit requesting a dual employment agreement, in consultation with their Employee Relations (ER) Analyst, assesses the need for a dual employment agreement and ensures that all criteria are met prior to proceeding.
- The hiring unit consults with the employee's current supervisor to reach an agreement on proceeding with dual employment.
- If an agreement is reached, the requesting unit will work with their ER analyst to prepare a letter that summarizes the agreement, obtain the signatures of the employee, both supervisors and both Units Heads. The signed letter is provided to the ER Analyst and then forwarded to Talent Acquisition (TA).
The hiring unit puts forward a request for a Limited Non Recruitment (LNR) to hire the employee into a dual employment appointment.
VI. Forms/Resources
- Non-Recruitment
- Contact APO for questions regarding academic appointments
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