Attendance, Leave Use and Accrual Records
I. Summary
Exempt and Non Exempt employees are expected to submit an Attendance Leave Use and Accrual Record (timesheet) each pay period reflecting time worked and/or leave taken. Time reporting is done via the campus’ Electronic Time and Attendance System (CruzPay) or a paper based timesheet.
For employees using CruzPay, the system supports both exempt and non-exempt employees. Time worked and leave taken are entered directly into the system via a web browser. At the end of each pay period, employees submit their timesheet electronically. The supervisor approves the timesheet electronically, and it is audited and processed by their Payroll Administrative Specialist, also known as the Timekeeper.
Employees who cannot use CruzPay use a paper timesheet to report their time worked and/or leave taken. The supervisor approves the timesheet on paper, scans to PDF and emails it to the Timekeeper where it is audited and processed.
II. Related Policies, Contract Articles and References
Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) – employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement:
Absence from Work Policy
Union Agreements- employees covered by a collective bargainig agreement
US Department of Labor, Employment Standards Administration, Wage and Hour Division Fact Sheet 21 – Recordkeeping Requirements under the FLSA
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) FLSA 516 – Records to Be Kept by Employers
III. Process Overview
Non-exempt employees report time worked and all absences with and without pay. Time worked and/or leave taken shall be recorded to the nearest ¼-hour.
Exempt employees record all absences with and without pay in whole day increments that reflect the employee’s work schedule.
Non-Exempt Employees:
- Hours worked and/or leave taken should be entered onto the timesheet on a daily basis. Entries should be made to the nearest quarter hour (.25) increment.
- Employees are required to sign/submit their timesheet on their last working day of the pay period. A timesheet is considered late if submitted later than midnight of the last Saturday of the pay period. Employees are required to submit a timesheet each pay period even if they have no time worked or leave taken. By doing so, this confirms that the timesheet with no entries is correct and the employee does not expect to be paid for this job during this pay period.
- Signing/approving the timesheet is the process supervisors use to finalize and validate the entries made are complete and a true representation of the reported effort. Supervisors are required to validate that timesheet entries are correct prior to approving.
- Supervisors are responsible for ensuring their direct reports have submitted their timesheet by the deadline.
- Supervisors are required to review and approve their employee’s timesheet no later than 10:30 AM Monday following the end of the biweekly pay period. When holidays or curtailments impact pay processing deadlines, these will be communicated to supervisors in advance.
- Supervisors should work with the employee to correct any errors, as timesheets with errors need attention before approval.
Exempt Employees:
- Exempt employees are required to sign/submit their timesheet on their last working day of the pay period. A timesheet is considered late if submitted later than the first day of the next pay period.
- Signing/approving the timesheet is the process supervisors use to finalize and validate the entries made are complete and a true representation of any leave taken during the pay period. Supervisors are required to validate that timesheet entries are correct prior to approving.
- Supervisors are responsible for ensuring their direct reports have submitted their timesheet by the deadline.
- Supervisors are required to review and approve their employee’s timesheet no later than the 2nd day following the end of the pay period.
- Supervisors should work with the employee to correct any errors, as timesheets with errors need attention before approval.