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V. Process Overview: Pregnancy Leave

Pregnancy disability leave is leave taken for disability due to pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition. Upon request, an eligible employee shall be granted upon request up to four (4) months of leave during the period of disability.

In addition, an eligible employee is entitled to twelve (12) weeks of Federal Family and Medical Leave (FML) and twelve (12) weeks of State Family and Medical Leave (SFML) under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA).

Federal FML and State FML normally run concurrently, except for pregnancy disability. Leave for pregnancy disability, while counted against an employee’s Federal FML entitlement, is not counted against an employee’s State FML entitlement. Therefore, an employee who exhausts her Federal FML entitlement because of pregnancy disability is entitled to an additional twelve (12) weeks of family and medical leave under State FML for any reason other than pregnancy disability (e.g. to care for her newborn), provided she has leave remaining in her 12-week leave bank.

Under University policy, non-represented staff employees (PSS & MSP), are also entitled to supplement their pregnancy disability and parental leaves with up to twelve (12) weeks of Supplemental Family and Medical Leave for a total leave period of a maximum of seven (7) months (combined pregnancy disability leave, parental leave, and supplemental family and medical leave).

Note: Skilled Crafts and CNA represented employees have additional leave available under certain circumstances. Refer to the appropriate collective bargaining agreement for details.

  1. The Employee consults with the Leave of Absence Coordinator, completes Leave of Absence Request form and forwards the request to their supervisor.

    • It is important that the employee informs their supervisor, the Leave of Absence Coordinator, and campus Benefits Office at least 30 days in advance of the anticipated leave begin date.

  2. The Supervisor signs the request, obtains additional approvals as appropriate and forwards the Leave of Absence Request form to the Leave of Absence Coordinator.

  3. The SHR Operations Specialist processes the leave of absence request.

Revised August 2015