Overtime Recording and Compensation

Policy and Procedures Applicable to Non-Exempt Employees Only (Including Students)

I. Summary

Overtime shall be assigned only in emergency situations or to meet essential operating needs as determined by the supervisor.

Employees cannot “volunteer” to work overtime to perform the duties of their position without receiving overtime compensation. All hours worked must be compensated regardless of whether approved in advance or not.

II. Related Policies, Contract Articles and References

  1. Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) – employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement

  2. Union Agreements - employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement

  3. Job Code Lookup

III. Authority

Unit heads or appropriate designees are responsible for approving or assigning overtime work in advance of the hours worked and for verifying overtime accruals and usage, according to provisions of the appropriate personnel program or collective bargaining agreement. As a general rule, an employee is expected to seek advance approval for overtime work.


IV. Process Overview

All time worked must be recorded. CruzPay is programmed to calculate appropriate overtime based on hours reported.  If paper timesheets are used, the Timekeeper will calculate the overtime once the finalized timesheet is submitted.

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