Leadership Programs

Learning & Development coordinates a number of campus and system-wide programs to support UC Santa Cruz leaders and those aspiring to develop successful leadership skills. Our Leadership Development Programs for staff are at the heart of an integrated approach to developing and strengthening core management competencies at the University of California.

Leadership Academy

Since 2007 Leadership Academy is offered once per year, with participants meeting weekly over a three month period. Each session highlights specific issues and challenges faced by leaders at UC Santa Cruz. Through presentation, discussion, and experiential learning, participants will broaden their understanding of how the campus operates while honing their leadership skills and abilities. The Leadership Academy provides a unique opportunity for participants to create new networks, and for dialogue with campus leaders.

Full-time staff employees ( Professional 3-5, Supervisor 1-2, Manager 1-4) with a minimum of six months of service are eligible to participate. Due to the commitment of time required, supervisory approval is required for staff to participate.

Our 2024 Academy is now complete. The next Leadership Academy cohort is scheduled for late, 2025. Details to follow, including application information, academy agenda, dates and location updates.


Management Skills Assessment Program

The Management Skills Assessment Program (MSAP) is offered in two cohorts, Fall and Spring, each year. MSAP is a four-day residential program designed to strengthen the engagement and preparation of high potential UC supervisors, managers, and professionals early in their careers. The program offers an intensive assessment and behavioral feedback experience. 

The goal of the Management Skills Assessment Program (MSAP) is to address skill deficits and grow competencies to prepare internal employees for future opportunities in their UC workplaces.

For more information on dates, fees, eligibility, and the application process visit: Management Skills Assessment Program

UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development

The UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development (UC WI) is a unique, experiential, systemwide professional development program to support the success and advancement of mid-career, woman-identified professionals and is open to all employees who support and are committed to this mission. The program brings together participants from every UC location. Participants represent faculty, academic personnel and staff, people managers and non-people managers.

The program is sponsored by the President’s office and the Systemwide Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (SACSW) and offered by Systemwide Human Resources in partnership with Coro Northern California and SACSW.

UC WI is committed to enabling the full participation, success and advancement of woman-identified professionals at the University. The program is open to all employees who support and are committed to this mission.

Our 2025-26 program participation has been finalized. For more information on the program: UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development

Nominations for the 2025-26 cohort open in March, 2025. To submit a nomination for the program, please use the UCSC UCWI Nomination Form.

For questions regarding these programs, please contact us at learninganddevelopment@ucsc.edu