Campus Policies and Support Offices
Listed Alphabetically
ADA Compliance/Staff Employees
UC Santa Cruz has a strong commitment to providing reasonable accommodations for our employees with disabilities.
- Employment disability accommodations: (831) 459-4602
- Facilities, transportation and computing access: (831) 459-3759
- Disability related discrimination complaints: (831) 459-3676
Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)
UC Santa Cruz is committed to achieving excellence in health, safety and environmental performance. EH&S policies and programs ensure UC Santa Cruz complies with all applicable, health, safety and environmental laws, regulations, and requirements.
Equal Employment Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Program
The Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion works to ensure that UC Santa Cruz is compliant with nondiscrimination, equal employment opportunity and affirmative action policies and laws for staff and faculty. For employment related discrimination concerns or complaints, please contact: (831) 459-3676.
Injury and Illness Prevention Program
Cal-OSHA requires employers to have an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) in place. UC Santa Cruz has implemented a broad-based series of departmental-level IIPP programs to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for its employees and your supervisor will discuss your department IIPP with you.
Provides confidential, neutral, and informal dispute resolution services for the UC Santa Cruz community.
Political Reform Act
The Political Reform Act requires public officials (university employees) to disqualify themselves from participating in decisions in which they have a financial interest. As a member of the university, you, therefore, must be aware of what is meant by making or participating in making a university decision, what constitutes a conflict of interest, how to disqualify yourself and what could happen if you do not disqualify.
Policy on Vaccination Programs
As a condition of physical presence at a location or in a university program, all covered individuals must participate in any applicable Vaccination Program by providing proof that they are up-to-date with vaccines or submitting a request for exception in a Mandate Program or properly declining vaccination in an Opt-Out Program.
Sexual Violence/Sexual Harassment (SVSH)
The Title IX Office is committed to fostering a campus climate in which members of our community are protected from all forms of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, and gender-based harassment and discrimination. Title IX is a neutral office committed to safety, fairness, trauma-informed practices, and due process.
Service and Support Animals
UC Santa Cruz has a "no pet" policy. Exceptions are made for service and support animals and in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act.
Smoking Policy
Effective January 1, 2014, the UC Santa Cruz joins more than 1,159 colleges and universities nationwide by implementing a campus-wide smoke and tobacco-free policy.
Student Judicial Affairs Hate/Bias
The University of California, Santa Cruz is committed to maintaining an objective, civil, diverse and supportive community, free of coercion, bias, hate, intimidation, dehumanization or exploitation.
Sustainability Office
The Sustainability Office fosters a culture of sustainability at UC Santa Cruz by actively engaging students, staff, faculty and community members through education, leadership development, institutional change and behavioral transformation. Learn more about the Campus Sustainability Plan and our goal of being a Zero Waste Campus by 2020.
UC Santa Cruz Faculty & Staff Housing Program
The UC Santa Cruz Employee Housing Program assists employees in finding suitable and affordable university housing.
Violence in the Workplace
The campus and its employees are committed to working together to create and maintain a workplace that is as free as possible from threatening and violent behaviors.
Employees can report any activity by UC or a UC employee that violates a state or federal law or regulation, wastes money or involves gross misconduct, gross incompetence, or gross inefficiency. Employees are protected against retaliation under this policy.