UAW New Employee Orientation: Academic Student Employees (ASE) and Graduate Student Researchers (GSR)
Please find the New Graduate Student Orientation Schedules, here.
Academic Year 24-25
All first-time Academic Student Employees (i.e. Teaching Assistant, Reader, Tutor, Associate Instructor, and Teaching Fellow) and Graduate Student Researchers are required to attend one thirty (30) minute New Employee Orientation with representatives from the union that represents ASEs and GSRs, UAW 4811.
Fall Quarter ‘24
UAW ASE Initial Orientation (BX)
Dates & Times: November 25, 2024, 10:40 am
Location: Social Sciences 2 071
UAW ASE Make-up Orientation (BR)
Dates & Times: November 26, 2024, 3:30 pm
Location: Social Sciences 2 071