Where to Get Help

The primary resources for those with concerns about abusive conduct in the workplace are employee supervisors and managers. Additional on-campus resources are listed in the chart below. 

Non-confidential UC Santa Cruz campus-wide contacts for Abusive Conduct in the Workplace:

Employee Type Name Department Contact Information Reason to Contact
Staff and Student Employees Doug Herbek Staff Human Resources

(831) 459-1853


Filing complaint on abusive conduct in the workplace
Faculty, Academic Staff and Academic Student Employees Adrienne Ratner Academic Personnel Office anratner@ucsc.edu Filing complaint on abusive conduct in the workplace

Confidential UC Santa Cruz campus-wide contacts for Abusive Conduct in the Workplace:

Employee Type Name Department Contact Information Reason to Contact
All De Acker Office of the Ombuds deacker@ucsc.edu Receiving informal dispute resolution services
Staff Employees - Employee Assistance Program (866) 808-6205 Receiving counseling and referrals
Students - Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) (831) 459-2628 Receiving counseling, mental health and wellness services, and referrals
Students, Staff, and Academic Employees - Center for Advocacy, Resources & Empowerment (CARE)

(831) 502-2273


Receiving support when impacted by sexual assault, intimate partner/domestic violence, stalking, or sexual harassment