Retirement Following a Layoff

IMPORTANT: If you elect to retire immediately following a layoff, please contact the local Benefits Office for assistance as soon as possible because you may be eligible for continued health coverage as a retiree, which will require special handling.

If you are eligible by age and vesting rules and want to retire from UC, you may elect to retire following a lay-off from UC employment. You may also become an inactive member of UCRP following your lay-off and delay receiving retirement income to a later date of your choice. 

Note that if you retire more than 120 days after your separation/layoff date, you will not be eligible for University retiree health coverage. For any questions about your benefits or help getting in touch with a Fidelity representative please contact the Local Benefits Office. 

It is important to understand that vesting with UCRP is an entitlement you’ve earned, regardless of your reason for separating from University employment. If you have questions about your layoff options (e.g. severance or preferential rehire), please consult with your UC Santa Cruz Human Resources professional.