Required Labor Law Notices

Government regulations require employers to post mandatory labor law notices in locations accessible to both current employees and potential applicants for employment. These notices cover a variety of topics such as state and federal minimum wage, family medical leave, equal opportunity employment, and harassment and discrimination in the workplace. UC Santa Cruz has established posting sites throughout the campus community. Notices may be viewed at the following locations:

  • Staff Human Resources, 100 Enterprise Way, Scotts Valley (Available in both English & Spanish);
  • Academic Personnel Office, 499 Kerr Hall;
  • Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 114 Kerr Hall (Available in both English & Spanish);
  • McHenry Library, first floor, outside the staff break room (Available to Library employees only);
  • UC Observatories (Campus), 388 Interdisciplinary Sciences Building;
  • UC Observatories (Mt. Hamilton), 7281 Mt. Hamilton Rd, employee break room;
  • University Extension, 3175 Bowers Avenue, Santa Clara;
  • Division of the Arts, Porter Mailroom D-150;
  • Division of Humanities, 403 Humanities Building 1;
  • Division of Social Sciences, 460 Humanities/Social Sciences Building;
  • Division of Physical & Biological Sciences, 511 Physical Sciences Building;
  • School Of Engineering, 339 Baskin Engineering Building;
  • Career Center, 125 Hahn Student Services Bldg

In addition, many governmental notices, local campus policies, procedures, and collective bargaining agreements may be accessed electronically by clicking on the links provided below.

Special Note: Notices listed below that include an asterisk (*) are additional Labor Law Postings that are required by the UC Office of the President (UCOP) to be printed and displayed with the annually distributed California and Federal Employment Notices Poster.

Please direct all questions and comments to SHR Business Operations and Administration team at

Required Poster/Notice

Agency Information
Affirmative Action Plan Posting Notification*
UC Santa Cruz Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Federal Minimum Wage, WH1088
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
California Minimum Wage, MW-2024
Calif. Dept. of Industrial Relations
Payday Notice*
UC Santa Cruz Central Payroll Office
Safety & Health Protection on the Job
Calif. Dept. of Industrial Relations
Asbestos Containing Construction Materials on Campus*
UC Santa Cruz Environmental Health & Safety Office
Emergency Phone Number List, S-500
Calif. Dept. of Industrial Relations
Equal Employment Opportunity Is the Law, EEOC-P/E-1
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program (OFCCP)’s Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination Provision, EO 13665
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Workplace Discrimination and Harassment, CRD-E07P-ENG/SP
Civil Rights Department (CRD)
Transgender Rights in the Workplace, DFEH-E04P
Dept. of Fair Employment & Housing (DFEH)
Federal Family and Medical Leave, WH1420
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
California Family Care & Medical Leave, DFEH-E03P
Dept. of Fair Employment & Housing (DFEH)
California Pregnancy Disability Leave, DFEH-E02P
Dept. of Fair Employment & Housing (DFEH)
California Family Care and Medical Leave (CFRA) & Pregnancy Disability Leave, DFEH-100-21
Dept. of Fair Employment & Housing (DFEH)
Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee, DFEH-E08P
Dept. of Fair Employment & Housing (DFEH)
Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Paid Family Leave Notice, DE 1857A
Employment Development Department (EDD)
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
Right to Work*
United States Department of Justice-Civil Rights Division
Veterans Benefit Improvement Act
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Sexual Harassment, DFEH-185P
Dept. of Fair Employment & Housing (DFEH)
Whistleblower Policy – Reporting Improper Activity*
University California Office of the President
Whistleblower Policy Brochure – Reporting Improper Activity
California State Auditor
Substance Abuse and Dependency*
University of California Office of the President
Time off to Vote
California Secretary of State
California Elections Code 14000
Injuries Caused By Work*
Calif. Dept. of Industrial Relations
OSHA Annual Summary of Work-Related Injuries, OSHA 300*
UC Santa Cruz Risk Services
Distributed every January by the campus Risk Services
OSHA Notice of Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records, S-3204
Calif. Dept. of Industrial Relations
Fair Wage / Fair Work Program Notice*
University of California Office of the President

Other Areas of Interest: