Something as simple as a two-minute phone call or a note in the mail can go a long way toward making your new employee feel valued and excited to begin working in your department. Ensure that the connection you build with your new employee is strong from the start.
- Confirm your new employee’s acceptance of the position. Ensure that you know what paperwork is required and with whom the new employee will meet to complete it.
- Stay in regular communication with your new employee via email or phone during the period between the acceptance and the start date.
- Acquaint your new employee with your department and UC Santa Cruz. Include information about:
- Transportation and Parking Services
- Campus map
- Provide names and numbers of relevant buildings and parking lots
- Local area resources (e.g., Visit Santa Cruz County, Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce, City of Santa Cruz)
- Provide critical first-day information:
- When to arrive (date and time)
- Where to park
- Where to report
- What to wear (e.g., uniform, lab attire, hard-toe shoes)
- What the schedule will be
- What the lunch options are
- Information that is nice to know (e.g., there is a coffee club; recycling is valued; the building is always cold)