Getting Connected

Reach out to the rest of the department for help with preparations for your new employee’s arrival. Involving peers builds camaraderie. Consider assigning a “buddy,” an experienced co-worker who can assist in answering your new employee’s questions and providing guidance in the early phases of the onboarding process.


  • Announce the hiring of your new employee. Let everyone, including the management team, know when they are starting and in which position
  • Include information about your new employee’s background (e.g., previous employment, education, experience, interests)
  • Ask others to welcome and show support for your new employee


  • Prepare department orientation packet (e.g., vision, mission, organizational chart, staff directory)
  • Ensure all necessary forms and documents are ready for processing
  • Confirm appropriate signature authorities have been established
  • Confirm schedules are updated to support the new employee’s activities
  • Arrange for introductions (e.g., walk about, welcoming/getting acquainted event, designated time during an upcoming staff meeting)


  • Plan and schedule any critical training for your new employee to receive within the first few weeks on the job
  • Set up appointments with individuals whom your new employee should meet early on
  • Set aside time on your calendar to make sure you are available when the new employee arrives on the first day and frequently throughout the first week
  • Create a first day schedule for your new employee
  • Develop an itinerary for the first week so your new employee hits the ground running with meaningful work. The schedule should include a balance of time with others and time alone to read introductory materials and complete orientation-related tasks. Include some or all of the following:
    • One-on-one or small group meetings with team members. During these meetings, team members might describe their work and how it integrates with the new employee’s work
    • One-on-one meetings with you to discuss job description, performance expectations, appropriate attire, time and leave, etc.
    • Designated times for the new employee to attend the Employee Benefits Orientation
    • Meetings with other key colleagues
    • Tour of campus or larger work environment

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