Overview and FAQ's
The University of California, Office of the President (UCOP) has partnered with AgileOne to work with covered service suppliers for on reporting requirements as specified in Senate Bill 27 (SB27) and Article 5 of the AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement in addition to systematically managing a Qualified Individual’s (QI) life cycle.
AgileOne partners with UC to help administer and facilitate the covered services supplier communications and response effort to meet the tracking and reporting requirements as outlined in Article 5 of the AFSCME Contract Bargaining Agreement and SB27 and ensure compliance with independent audit requirements.
In addition to the reporting requirements outlined in SB27 and in Article 5 of the AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement, the University is also expected to keep track the hours of the workers in accordance with Article 5 of the AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement, which is done with the supplier through AgileOne, UC QI Workforce program.
The UC QI Workforce Program systematically manages a qualified individual’s life cycle - including Onboarding, Time tracking, Auditing, and Conversion processes. The program is supported by a dedicated AgileOne team acting as an executional and advisory body for the University of California and can be reached at ucqiworkforceprogram@agile1.com.
All suppliers who provide a “covered service” for the University, must register with AgileOne to be considered for any work conducted for the University.
“Services'' means work that is subject to university policy. “Services” includes services that have been customarily performed by bargaining unit employees of the university, including, but not limited to, the following services: cleaning, custodial, janitorial, or housekeeping services; food services; laundry services; grounds keeping; non skilled crafts building maintenance; transportation and parking services; security services; billing and coding services; sterile processing; hospital and nursing assistant services; respiratory therapy; and medical imaging services. “Services”does not include financial investment or retirement planning advice, retirement plan recordkeeping, or asset management.
See here for UCSC information on Covered Services
Yes, this is a compliance requirement. Regents Policy 5402 and Article 5 of the AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement requires the tracking and reporting of Qualified Individuals (QI) data for Contracting Out of Covered Services labor. QI requirements set forth under Article 5 are legally binding. By not complying, UC will no longer be able to do business with the supplier.
When an individual worker who works for an outside contractor performing the same services in the same UC location works for 1000 hours in a rolling at least twelve (12) consecutive months month period, or 35% time over a rolling thirty-six (36) (approx. 2,192 hours) month period, the worker will be deemed a “qualified individual” (QI) for conversion to UC employment, provided they have skills, certifications and licenses required.
To identify QIs, UC must know each individual’s hours worked on covered service contracts. The QI Reporting Tool in AgileOne will automate the process of collecting the hours from each supplier whose employee works on a covered service contract. The collected hours will be stored in a central database, and the tool will automatically identify those individuals who have reached QI status. AgileOne will notify the individuals when they have met the definitions as a QI and are eligible for career positions at UC.
The University has a list of existing suppliers registered and compliant in AgileOne.
Please reach out to contracting-out-support@ucsc.edu for the most up to date information.
If your supplier is not on the existing list, the contracting out team will work with the supplier to ensure registration before a requisition is submitted Please note that a purchase order cannot be made without compliance from the supplier to register and use AgileOne to adhere to Article 5 of the AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement and/or SB27 reporting requirements for SX and EX work.
*K7 classified work is exempt from Article 5 and SB27 requirements.
We highly encourage you to choose a supplier already registered, otherwise your request to contract out will be heavily delayed.
Note: All suppliers that are performing SX/EX covered services must adhere to UC Requirements and register in AgileOne to ensure compliance with Article 5 of the AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement and/or Senate Bill 27.
A unit must submit a Contracting Out Request (COR) in ServiceNow for full assessment as there are special considerations relating to reporting requirements within AgileOne.
The links below provide workflow details for a COR:
No. The reason UCOP implemented the program is to have “one consistent tool” for tracking the number of hours each supplier employee works on covered service contracts. This tool assists with the verification process in any audit of wage and benefit parity compliance.