Construction vs Maintenance

A request to contract out must be reviewed by Physical Planning, Development & Operations (PPDO) if supplier services are determined to be work normally performed by Skilled Crafts (K7) employees. In compliance with UCOP Policy and Public Contract Codes, the review will determine if the supplier services are construction or maintenance.  

If construction, a Construction contract must be used to secure supplier services. When the services are deemed maintenance, PPDO staff will assess whether the work can be performed by UCSC employees. If this is not feasible, the department’s request to contract out will be routed to Labor Relations for review.

What is Construction?

  • Construction consists of moving, demolishing, altering, upgrading,
  • renovating, installing, or building a structure, facility, or system according to a plan or by a definite process,
  • Exterior and interior painting or repainting of new or existing structures is construction,
  • Upgrading or replacing a building system in its entirety when it has exceeded its useful life is generally construction, not maintenance.

Repair is considered construction. Repair means to restore property, machinery, systems, and facilities, including buildings, roads, and grounds and their components to working order and may require:

  • the submission of plans,
  • the submission of calculations,
  • construction inspection requirements, and other data to ensure compliance with the California Building Code,
  • and/or requires a change to the stamped plans, specifications, reports, or documents used for its construction.

What is Maintenance?

Maintenance is the upkeep of property, machinery, systems, and facilities, including buildings, utility infrastructure, roads, and grounds.

Maintenance consists of those activities necessary to keep facilities and systems operational and in good working order. It consists of the preservation, but not the improvement, of buildings and grounds, other real property improvements and their components.

Maintenance may include replacement of components of equipment or building systems (roof, flooring, HVAC, etc.) if replacement is performed:

  • on a routine or recurring basis,
  • to bring the equipment or building system back to its fully functional state,
  • to ensure the equipment or building system retains its functionality for its
  • anticipated useful life.

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