Approval Processes and Forms

Update February 2025 - All covered service transportation requests must go through the Contracting Out Request Process in ServiceNow first.

For any questions relating to submitting a COR - please contact

A Department can only proceed with contracting out for SX, EX or K7 work after all staffing options have been determined to not be feasible and approval by the local Labor Relations Office has been received**. The Staff HR Contracting Out Request (COR) form should be submitted prior to requesting a CruzBuy requisition. This form is used to collect specific information from the department regarding their service needs. This includes:

  • A detailed explanation of all staffing options considered (e.g. overtime, stipend, recruitment) and why they are not feasible,
  • Contract duration (SX & EX CORs can only have contracts issued within the calendar year),
  • Supplier Scope of work,
  • Supplier estimate or invoice (at a very minimum the supplier's current rate sheet for services to be performed)
  • Work location, if known,
  • Dollar value of contract, and
  • Specific exception(s) used to justify the request and a narrative justification explaining why the exception(s) applies.
  • Attachments required include a supplier quote and a denial of services from the UCSC unit, if applicable.

SHR Compensation will review the form and determine if the supplier scope of work aligns with a UC SX or EX job title or UCSC K7 job title.  If it does, the form is routed to Labor Relations for review.

**Contracting Out Requests for events scheduled after June 1st of any calendar year will only be reviewed starting April 1st of the same year. This timeline is due to the annual update of Wage, Benefit, and Parity rates, which are revised on March 1st and become effective on June 1st.

Failure by a department to provide adequate details will delay processing of their request. The Department must attach a copy of the (COR) form to the CruzBuy requisition if contracting out is approved.

The links below provide workflow details.