
The Notice of Intent to Terminate (“NOIT”)

The document used to initiate an involuntary separation action for career employees. The “NOIT” provides all of the facts and evidence the University seeks to use as the basis for separation, which may include, but is not limited to performance appraisals, written or verbal counseling summaries, prior discipline, incident or police reports, and investigatory reports. Typically, direct supervisors or managers write and send the NOIT, although situations may arise where a different manager/supervisor is the appropriate issuing authority.

The Notice of Termination (“NOT”)

The NOT represents the final document notifying an employee that their employment will be terminated by a specific termination date. The “NOT” should analyze the Skelly or reviewing officer’s recommended action and set forth why the termination is occuring. The individual who executed the NOIT should sign the NOT.


A Skelly meeting derives its name from Skelly v. State Personnel Board (1975) Cal.3d 194, a California Supreme Court case which determined public employees with property rights to their job (i.e. career status) require due process before a public employer can take away the property right. At UC Santa Cruz, Skelly meetings are used to provide employees with an opportunity to refute, defend, and submit additional evidence as to why certain disciplinary actions, such as terminations, are not warranted. As part of this process, a Skelly reviewer writes a recommendation as to whether, based upon the evidence submitted, the proposed discipline is appropriate.

Proof of Service (“POS”)

A separate document attached to the NOIT and NOT, which demonstrates the date on which the documents were delivered (in person or by mail) to the recipient and when applicable, the union representative.

Managers and Senior Professionals ("MSP")

Employees spanning numerous classifications across the UC Santa Cruz. Positions at this level are responsible for identifying objectives, formulating strategy, directing programs, managing resources and functioning effectively with a high degree of autonomy.  These employees do not serve a probationary period and separate policy text applies defining the due process steps leading to termination as well as their appeal rights.

Professional and support staff ("PSS")

Employees that provide administrative, professional, technical, and operational support through independent judgment, analytical skill, and professional or technical abilities. They are policy-covered employees who serve a probationary period. University of California policy defines the rights and obligations for these employees, including progressive discipline and due process required before termination.

Collective bargaining agreements ("CBA")

The union contracts defining the terms and conditions of employment for each separate bargaining unit at UC Santa Cruz.