Upcoming Enhancements to Annual Evaluations

June 14, 2024

We are excited to announce several important changes to the annual evaluation process which will be effective starting with the fiscal year 2024-2025 evaluations. These modifications will streamline and enhance the evaluation experience for all staff members, easing some of the administrative burden in the “Define Criteria" step, and clarifying expectations in the Common Standards section.

Overview of Major Changes

The evaluation interface in ePerformance will now feature five tabs instead of four. They will be:

  • Functions
  • Goals
  • Common Standards
  • Overall Summary
  • Rating Definitions

Functions Tab
The "Functions" tab will now automatically include six standardized functions, which will alleviate the need to define functional criteria each year. The standardized functions will be broad in scope but speak to the aspects that are present in all jobs across campus. Three additional functions will be clearly designated to supervisors only, though they will appear on all evaluations.

  • The 6 Non-Supervisor functions are as follows
    • Functional and Technical Skills
    • Communication Skills
    • Customer Service
    • Problem Solving and Decision Making
    • Commitment to Quality and Quantity of Work
    • Collaboration/Teamwork
  • The 3 additional functions for supervisors are as follows
    • Developing Direct Reports
    • Managing and Measuring Work
    • Motivating Others

Common Standards Tab
Significant updates have been made to the Common Standards tab, including:

  • The "Principles of Community" standard has been expanded to include examples of what modeling these principles looks like in the workplace.
  • The “Diversity" standard has been renamed to "Contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" and updated to include helpful definitions and a framework for how to evaluate contributions.
  • Addition of a new standard for "Compliance Training." This will be based on whether the employee has completed all required compliance training for their job. If all required training is complete, a 3 “Met Expectations” will be given. If all required training is not complete, a 1 “Unacceptable” will be given.

Rating Definitions Tab
A new tab has been added to provide clear definitions for each rating, serving as a helpful guide for evaluators and staff members alike.

In Closing
These changes aim to improve the consistency, effectiveness, transparency, and add value to the evaluation process. We believe that by implementing these enhancements, you’ll save valuable time in the administrative process each year, allowing for more meaningful discussions regarding performance and upcoming goals. 

If you have any questions about the ePerformance evaluation process, you are encouraged to contact your ER Analyst or visit our ePerformance website & ePerformance FAQ for more information.