Job Builder - Job Description Acknowledgements


To: Staff and Managers / Supervisors 

From: Kamala Green, AVC & CHRO in Staff Human Resources & Shelby Young, Director, Compensation and Classification

RE: Job Builder - Job Description Acknowledgements

The Staff HR Compensation & Classification team is excited to announce the launch of system-generated job description acknowledgements in Job Builder. The system-generated acknowledgements will eliminate the need for units to obtain signatures on job descriptions via DocuSign (or other means), which will decrease work for our campus clients and our Compensation & Classification team.

Job Description Acknowledgement functionality launches on September 30, 2024. For every job description workflow that is completed for an employee on or after September 30, 2024, the Job Description Acknowledgement process will automatically initiate in Job Builder. Upon completion of a reclassification or job description update workflow, the supervisor will receive a system-generated email asking them to (1) review the updated job description with the employee and (2) acknowledge the job description in Job Builder. Once the manager acknowledges the job description in Job Builder, the employee will receive a system-generated email with instructions on how to acknowledge their finalized job description.

The Compensation & Classification team will manually generate acknowledgements for job description updates that were not signed via DocuSign from June 1, 2024 through September 29, 2024.

Additionally, for employees hired on or after September 30, 2024, an acknowledgement will be generated automatically. This will provide an opportunity for managers to review the job description with their newly hired staff and ensure the job description is acknowledged by the employee.

If you have any questions regarding this new functionality or the process going forward, please contact the Compensation & Classification team at



Kamala Green
Associate Vice Chancellor & Chief Human Resources Officer
Staff Human Resources


Shelby Young
Compensation, Classification & Policy Director
Staff Human Resources