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Home / Resources/Forms / ePerformance - Performance Evaluations / Step-by-Step - Probationary Evaluations
Step-by-Step - Probationary Evaluations
SHR Employee and Labor Relations (ELR) creates a performance evaluation at the beginning of the performance cycle.
Throughout the entirety of the performance evaluation period, the supervisor shall engage in dialogue with the employee to define criteria upon which their performance will be assessed. Criteria should be finalized with the employee allowing for sufficient time in the evaluation period to assess performance. However, supervisors are advised to wait until the end of the evaluation period before “approving” the criteria in order to allow for flexibility to make changes to any criteria. Any changes to the criteria should be discussed with the employee before clicking “Approve.”
For step-by-step instructions for each of these steps, please click the blue links below:
- Go to https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu
- Log in with your CruzID and Gold password.
- In the left navigation panel, click the ‘Performance Workcenter’ option.
- Under the Manager Self Service section, click on ‘Teams Current Performance Docs’.
- Click on the name of the employee.
- In the left navigation panel, click ‘Define Criteria’.
- In the main panel, click the ‘Add Item’ icon.
- Select the radio button for one of the following options and click ‘Next’:
- Add Your Own Item allows you to enter novel criteria. When selecting this option, you will be prompted to enter a subject for the criteria, and have the opportunity to add as much detail as you like in the description box. You have several formatting options available for the description box. Once you have finished the criteria, click the ‘Add’ button.
- Copy Item from My Documents allows you to copy criteria from your own evaluation into the evaluation of your employee. When selecting this option you will be shown the criteria present in your current performance evaluation. You can click on the criteria subject to see the full description of that criteria. You can select one or more of those criteria, and click the ‘Copy’ button to add these criteria to your employee’s evaluation.
- Copy from Item from My Teams Documents allows you to copy criteria from the evaluation of another of your employees into the current employee’s performance evaluation. When selecting this option, you will be brought to a search page which will display your employees’ current performance evaluations. You may enter search criteria in the search fields at the top of the page to narrow the found set, or to select employee evaluations from a previous performance cycle. Once you have found the evaluation you would like to copy from, click the ‘Select’ button next to the employee’s name to be brought to a list of criteria defined on that employee’s performance evaluation. You can click on the criteria subject to see the full description of that criteria. You can select one or more of those criteria, and click the ‘Copy’ button to add these criteria to the current employee’s evaluation.
- All the criteria added will display on the Functions tab in the order they were created or added to the evaluation, with a date and timestamp.
- There are three buttons available on each criteria to the right of that criteria:
- Copy to Other Documents (two sheets of paper) allows you to copy this criteria to one or more evaluations amongst your direct reports. When selecting this option, you will be brought to a search page displaying your employees’ active performance evaluations. You may select one or more of your employees to add this criteria to their evaluation(s), and click the ‘Save’ button to confirm the selection.
- Edit (pencil) allows you to edit the criteria, including the subject and the description. Once you’ve made your changes, click the yellow ‘Update’ button at the bottom of the page.
- Delete (trash can) allows you to remove the criteria from the performance evaluation. You will be asked to confirm whether you really meant to delete the criteria.
- Be sure to save your work often, by clicking the yellow ‘Save’ button in the top right corner of the page. If you do not, the above work will be lost.
- DO NOT click the yellow ‘Approve’ button at this time. We recommend that supervisors wait to approve the Define Criteria step until toward the end of the employee’s probation period, when they are sure the criteria are finalized and are ready to evaluate your employee.
- Toward the end of the employee’s probation period and when you have finalized the criteria, you can click the yellow ‘Approve’ button in the upper right hand corner. You will be asked to confirm that you are ready to complete this step.
- Go to https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu
- Log in with your CruzID and Gold password.
- In the left navigation panel, click the ‘Performance Workcenter’ option.
- Under the Manager Self Service section, click on ‘Teams Current Performance Docs’.
- Click on the name of the employee.
- In the left navigation panel, click ‘Complete Manager Evaluation’.
- For each criteria on the Functions, and Common Standards tabs:
- Select one of the following Manager Ratings to indicate how successfully the employee met this criteria:
- 5 = Exceptional
- 4 = Consistently exceeded expectations
- 3 = Met expectations
- 2 = Improvement needed
- 1 = Unacceptable
- Enter a succinct narrative containing examples of the employee’s performance in the Manager Comments field.
- Select one of the following Manager Ratings to indicate how successfully the employee met this criteria:
- Select the calculator icon in the ‘Summary’ section at the bottom of each tab.
- If the calculated summary rating for a tab does not accurately reflect your overall evaluation of the employee’s performance, click the ‘Override’ link in the ‘Summary’ section, and select a more appropriate summary value.
- Go to the ‘Overall Summary’ tab, and click the calculator icon to get an overall rating for your employee’s performance.
- If the calculated overall summary rating does not accurately reflect your overall evaluation of the employee’s performance, click the ‘Override’ link next to the calculator icon, and select a more appropriate summary value.
- Enter any additional comments or feedback about the employee’s performance in the ‘Manager Comments’ section.
- Note at the top of the page the ‘Template’ for this evaluation. The template will either end in ‘MGR Approve’ or ‘ADM Approve’. Depending on the template used, either the supervisor’s supervisor, or the divisional ePerformance administrator will approve the evaluation (see Step 3 below).
- Click the yellow ‘Submit for Approval’ button in the upper right corner.
Depending on the template used, either the supervisor’s supervisor, or the divisional ePerformance administrator will approve the evaluation.
- If the evaluation is a ‘MGR Approve’ template (most common), the supervisor’s supervisor should take the following steps:
- Go to https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu
- Log in with your CruzID and Gold password.
- In the left navigation panel, click the ‘Performance Workcenter’ option.
- Under the Manager Self Service section, click on ‘Approve Perform/Develop Docs’.
- Click on the employee’s name and review the supervisor’s evaluation of the employee.
- If the supervisor’s overall rating is less than ‘Met Expectations’, reach out to your Employee Relations Analyst before taking any further action.
- If the supervisor’s overall rating is at or above ‘Met Expectations’, click the ‘Approve’ or ‘Deny’ button at the bottom of the page.
- If the evaluation is an ‘ADM Approve’ template (less common), the divisional ePerformance administrator should take the following steps:
- Go to https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu
- Log in with your CruzID and Gold password.
- In the left navigation panel, click the ‘Worklist’ option.
- Click the link for the appropriate evaluation.
- Review the supervisor’s evaluation of the employee.
- If the supervisor’s overall rating is less than ‘Met Expectations’, reach out to your Employee Relations Analyst before taking any further action.
- If the supervisor’s overall rating is at or above ‘Met Expectations’, click the ‘Approve’ or ‘Deny’ button at the bottom of the page.
- Go to https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu
- Log in with your CruzID and Gold password.
- In the left navigation panel, click the ‘Performance Workcenter’ option.
- Under the Manager Self Service section, click on ‘Teams Current Performance Docs’.
- Click on the name of the employee.
- Supervisor meets with the Employee to discuss the written performance evaluation and to assure that the Employee has the opportunity to ask questions, comment on the evaluation, and discuss any performance concerns outlined in the evaluation.
- In the left navigation panel, click ‘Complete Manager Evaluation’.
- In the upper right corner, click the yellow ‘Share with Employee’ button. You will be asked to confirm whether you are ready to share the evaluation with your employee.
- If the employee is unable or unwilling to acknowledge the evaluation, click the yellow ‘Override Acknowledgement’ button in the upper right corner. You will be asked to select a reason for the override.
The employee acknowledgement indicates neither agreement nor disagreement with the evaluation, but is an indication that they have reviewed and/or discussed the evaluation with their supervisor.
- Go to https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu
- Log in with your CruzID and Gold password.
- In the left navigation panel, click the ‘Performance Workcenter’ option.
- Under the Employee Self Service section, click on ‘My Current Performance Docs’.
- Click on the Document Type link. If you have more than one evaluation here, be sure to click on the ‘SCCMP Probationary Documents’ link.
- In the left navigation panel, click the ‘Review Manager Evaluation’ option.
- Review the supervisor’s evaluation.
- On the Overall Summary tab, employees have the ability to leave any final comments about their evaluation.
- When you have finished reviewing the evaluation, click the yellow ‘Acknowledge’ button in the top right corner of the page to confirm your acknowledgement of the evaluation.
- For employees who do not have access to computers, Supervisor may print the evaluation for employee signature/acknowledgement and upload into ePerformance system.
- Once acknowledged, this evaluation is complete.
- Resources/Forms
- Staff Human Resources Engagement Program
- Excluded
- Glossary
- ePerformance - Performance Evaluations
- Divisional ePerformance Administrators
- Step-by-Step - Administrative Tasks
- Step-by-Step - Annual Evaluations
- Step-by-Step - Probationary Evaluations
- Video: How To Define Criteria
- Video: How To Copy Criteria From Documents
- Slides: Performance Evaluation Part 1: Defining Criteria
- Slides: Completing the Manager Evaluation
- Slides: Full Tool Navigation
- ePerformance-FAQ
- Overview of Enhancements to ePerformance Coming FY 24/25
- Training on ePerformance
- Evaluation Ratings
- Family Support Services
- A-Z Form Finder
- A-Z Local Process/Resource Locator
- UCSC Administrative Policies
- Re-Verification of Employment Authorization for Current UCSC Employees
- UC Personnel Policies for Staff
- Collective Bargaining Agreements
- Excluded
- Layoff Resources
Last modified: June 17, 2022