Layoff Options Breakdown for NX Employees

Preferential Rehire Period 

  • < 5 years of seniority = 1 year
  • ≥ 5 years of seniority = 2 years

Termination of Preferential Rights

The right to preference for reemployment terminates:

  1. At the end of the eligibility period,
  2. If a Nurse refuses recall and preferential rehire
  3. If a Nurse refuses and/or fails to respond to a University inquiry concerning the Nurse’s desire to remain on the preference for reemployment list
  4. If a Nurse accepts a career position at the same or higher salary level as determined by the salary range maximum, at the same or higher salary rate paid at the time of layoff and at the same or higher appointment rate as the position held by the Nurse at the time of layoff
  5. If a Nurse refuses to accept a position offered by the University at the same campus/laboratory which is at the same or higher salary level (as determined by the salary range maximum); and, is at the same or higher appointment rate held by the Nurse at the time of layoff.

Recall Period

  • < 5 years of seniority = 1 year
  • ≥ 5 years of seniority = 2 years

Termination of Recall Rights

The right to recall terminates:

  1. At the end of the eligibility period
  2. If a Nurse refuses and/or fails to respond to a University inquiry concerning the Nurse’s desire to remain on the recall list for possible return to work
  3. If a Nurse refuses an offer of reemployment at the same or greater appointment rate, at the same or higher salary level as determined by the salary range maximum, and at the same or higher rate of pay earned by the Nurse at the time of layoff
  4. If a Nurse accepts a career position within the University at the same or higher salary level as determined by the salary range maximum, the same or greater appointment rate, and the same or higher rate of pay earned by the Nurse at the time of layoff.


A career Nurse who has received notice of their indefinite layoff may, at the University’s sole, non-grievable discretion, be offered a choice of severance pay in lieu of preferential rehire and recall rights.Nurses will receive one week of severance for each full year of service to a maximum of sixteen (16) weeks, and shall at a minimum, be guaranteed two (2) weeks of severance pay.


Reduced Severance

Reduced Severance Not Available


Severance Repayment

Prior to receiving severance pay, a Nurse must sign an agreement to repay severance to the University if re-employed by the University at any of its locations within 16 weeks of layoff. In that event, the Nurse may retain that portion of the severance pay equal to the base pay they would have earned if not laid off. The balance is to be paid either in full at the time of re-employment or by payroll deduction.