Layoff Options Breakdown for SX/EX Employees
Preferential Rehire Period
- < 5 years of seniority = 1 year
- ≥5 years and < 10 years of seniority = 2 years
- ≥10 years of seniority = 3 years
Termination of Preferential Rights
- When the employee refuses an offer to return, at the same or greater percentage of time, to that department/division and class from which laid off;
- accepts any career position; or
- refuses two offers of employment for a career position at the same or higher salary level and the same percentage of time as the position held by the employee at the time of layoff; or
- Fails to respond to a written notice of a career employment opportunity within ten (10) calendar days. The ten (10) calendar day response period shall begin immediately upon personal notice of the career employment opportunity or from the date written notice is served (as indicated in the Proof of Service), whichever is sooner.
Recall Period
- 3 years
Termination of Recall Rights
- When the employee fails or refuses within ten calendar days to respond affirmatively to University inquiries concerning the employee's desire to return to work. The ten-calendar-day response period shall begin immediately upon personal notice or from the date written notice is served (as indicated in the Proof of Service), whichever is sooner;
- refuses a recall to work;
- refuses two offers of reemployment in career positions at the same or greater percentage of time and at the same or higher salary level;
- accepts a career position at the same or higher salary level within the University; or
- accepts recall in any previously-held career position at a lower salary level.
- < 5 years of University service = 2 weeks severance pay.
- ≥ 5 years of University service = 5 weeks severance pay, plus 1 week for each additional year of service, up to a maximum of 16 weeks.
Reduced Severance
Reduced Severance Not Available
Severance Repayment
An employee who has received severance pay and who returns to work in a career position with the University at the same or higher salary and same percentage of time as the position held at the time of layoff shall repay to the University the portion of severance pay received that exceeds the time the employee was laid off. Before returning to work, the employee must make repayment in full or sign a repayment agreement.