Sad news about campus bus driver

December 31, 2023
Dear Campus Community, 

We are heartbroken to share that UC Santa Cruz staff member Dan Stevenson died on Dec. 29, due to injuries he sustained when the bus he was driving crashed a few weeks ago. Our deepest condolences go out to his family and friends during this sad time. 

Dan served our community for more than 25 years as both a METRO driver and then a Campus Transit driver. He was a valued employee. He was well respected by his colleagues and will be deeply missed by so many.
Difficult news like this can impact the entire campus community and be complex to process. As we return for winter quarter, please know campus services are here to help if you need support. UC Santa Cruz students in need of support can get assistance from Counseling and Psychological Services and from Slug Support. For faculty and staff, the Employee Assistance Program offers counseling and other support.

Cindy and Lori

Cynthia Larive

Lori Kletzer
Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

Office of the Chancellor