Participant FAQ

Please see below the FAQ questions specific to Administrators.

Selecting the questions will expand and collapse the associated answers.


Steps in the Process/Workflow

  1. Criteria are defined by the supervisor to be approved by the supervisor.
  2. The supervisor completes the evaluation and submits it for approval.
  3. The approver approves the performance evaluation.
  4. The supervisor shares the evaluation with the employee.
  5. The employee acknowledges the evaluation.

Detailed step-by-step instructions for the probationary performance evaluation process can be found here.

  1. Criteria are defined by the supervisor and/or the employee, to be approved by the supervisor. All functions and goals that an employee will be evaluated on for the current performance cycle must be defined during this step. Criteria cannot be added or edited once the Define Criteria step has been completed.
  2. The supervisor approves the criteria. To allow for updates to the criteria throughout the performance cycle, the supervisor should wait to approve the Define Criteria step until the end of the performance cycle.
  3. (optional) The supervisor and/or the employee can nominate additional staff participants to the evaluation process. One reason for nominating someone could be in the case of dual supervision.
  4. (recommended) The employee completes a self-evaluation.
  5. The supervisor completes the manager evaluation and shares it with their employee.
  6. The employee acknowledges the evaluation.
  7. The supervisor submits the evaluation for approval.
  8. The approver approves the performance evaluation. 

Detailed step-by-step instructions for the annual performance evaluation process can be found here.

The participant can complete their evaluation any time before the manager completes their evaluation of the employee. There is no ordering relationship between the participant evaluation and the self evaluation.

Locating Evaluations

After a supervisor or employee nominates a peer, the supervisor must approve the nomination request in UCPath before the peer is able to access the performance evaluation.

Once the nomination has been approved, you should receive the following email from UCPath with a link to the employee’s evaluation

Subject: A nomination request has been submitted to you

Body: This automatic notification is to inform you that a request has been submitted for your participation.

Navigate to {URL}

(Please do not respond to this automatic notification.)

The nomination request can also be found by following these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your CruzID and Gold password
  3. In the left navigation panel, click Performance Workcenter
  4. Under Employee Self Service, click ‘Others Pending Perf Eval Reqs’
  5. Select the evaluation you wish to respond to and click the ‘Approve’ button..

After approving the nomination request, the nominated staff peer will be able to give summary comments under the employee’s Functions tab.

To access a participant evaluation that you previously accepted:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your CruzID and Gold password
  3. In the left navigation panel, click Performance Work Center
  4. Under Employee Self Service, click ‘Others Current Perform Evaltns’
  5. Select the evaluation you wish to respond to

Technical Questions and Support

UCPath will log you out after ~20 minutes of inactivity. If you have multiple tabs open to UCPath, each tab is running its own timer. If any browser tab open to UCPath is left untouched for ~20 minutes, it will log you out of all tabs (even if you are actively working in another UCPath tab). We recommend closing any UCPath browser tabs you aren’t actively using to avoid an unwanted logout.

Please note, the Performance Workcenter automatically opens you into a new tab on your browser, creating the perfect scenario for you to be logged out while you are working.

The employee will not be informed whether you provided input or not, nor can they see your evaluation of them in ePerformance. However, depending on the information you provide and if/how the information is reflected in their evaluation, the nominator may be able to surmise who provided the input. 

Participation in the nomination process is voluntary. The supervisor may also nominate participants, and the employee will not be informed whether you provided input or not. However, depending on the information you provide and if/how the information is reflected in their evaluation, the nominator may be able to surmise who provided the input.

How do I…

After a supervisor or employee nominates a peer, the supervisor must approve the nomination request in UCPath before the peer is able to access the performance evaluation.

Once the nomination has been approved, you should receive the following email from UCPath with a link to the employee’s evaluation

Subject: A nomination request has been submitted to you

Body: This automatic notification is to inform you that a request has been submitted for your participation.

Navigate to {URL}

(Please do not respond to this automatic notification.)

The nomination request can also be found by following these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your CruzID and Gold password
  3. In the left navigation panel, click Performance Workcenter
  4. Under Employee Self Service, click ‘Others Pending Perf Eval Reqs’
  5. Select the evaluation you wish to respond to and click the ‘Approve’ button..

After approving the nomination request, the nominated staff peer will be able to give summary comments under the employee’s Functions tab.

To access a participant evaluation that you previously accepted:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your CruzID and Gold password
  3. In the left navigation panel, click Performance Work Center
  4. Under Employee Self Service, click ‘Others Current Perform Evaltns’
  5. Select the evaluation you wish to respond to

To learn more about ePerformance, Staff HR offers three resources:

Sign up for a class:

Employee Relations offers instructor led courses on ePerformance. You can register for the first course, ‘ePerformance Part 1: Defining Criteria and Goal Setting’ through the UC Learning Center. Additional courses on how to complete a performance evaluation will be offered toward the end of the annual performance cycle.

VIew Training Presentations:

The full ePerformance Tool Trainings and step by step instructions can also be found here. 

View Step-by-Step Instructions and Workflow:

  • Probationary performance evaluation process can be found here.
  • Annual performance evaluation process can be found here.

Contact your Employee Relations Analyst with any further questions you have about ePerformance.