Recruitment Advertising


The advertising campaign is a key component of the overall recruitment plan. Where possible, the advertising campaign should be finalized before the job is posted. Units are encouraged to utilize JobElephant services to develop a comprehensive advertising campaign designed to attract qualified and diverse applicants.

The advertising campaign should take into consideration:

  • campus diversity and job group underutilization
  • recruiting area (i.e., local, regional, national)
  • reasonable initial review period
  • free and paid advertising options
  • networking opportunities (e.g., professional organizations, colleagues at other higher ed institutions)


JobElephant is an advertising agency specializing in recruitment advertising for higher education. They monitor thousands of online job boards, trade journals and websites worldwide to provide recruitment advertising solutions that are both results driven and cost effective.

Services Include:

  • Advertising campaign proposals designed to attract both qualified and diverse applicants
  • Creation of ad content and graphic design
  • Ad placement, including free advertisements such as HERC, DiverseEducation and

Free/Contract Advertising

All recruitments are automatically posted to the contracted sites below free of charge:

There are also a handful of sites that “scrub” and post our jobs for free, including Indeed and CalJobs. Because we do not have a contract with these sites, we cannot guarantee the content or duration of the ads (they are not a reliable source of free advertising).

In addition to the free advertising referenced above, anyone from the hiring unit can highlight the job on their LinkedIn profile. We’ve provided instructions at this link.

Paid Advertising Costs

JobElephant provides current pricing for advertising platforms. Ad pricing is subject to change, so we recommend requesting a quote specific to your job to ensure the pricing is current. Because pricing fluctuates regularly, we are not able to provide a price list. 

For print advertising, costs can vary widely depending upon the ad size, format, distribution, etc. Costs also fluctuate for different sites, so it’s best to work with Talent Acquisition to obtain a current price quote.

If a job is withdrawn after paid ads have been posted, JobElephant is not able to transfer the ads to another job posting or refund monies spent.

Payment Method

The payment of recruitment advertising fees should be processed with a Purchase order (PO) or blanket purchase order (BO). 

Hiring unit will obtain a purchase order through the CruzBuy system, payable to our advertising agency, JobElephant (they are an approved vendor in CruzBuy). JobElephant places all the ads and invoices the hiring unit. NOTE:  Advertising purchase orders may now be obtained prior to having the job posting number.

NOTE: Because of the 4% fee associated with using a pro-card with JobElephant, this is no longer a viable payment option for paid advertising.

Process to Request Advertising

*NOTE* This process has changed as of August 2021

  1. To request advertising, the hiring unit should email a request, along with the job description to
    1. Depending on individual needs, the unit can:
      1. Request paid advertising recommendations. The recommendations will be based upon various criteria including  recruiting area, skill set required, and job group underutilization. 
      2. Request a pricing quote for specific paid advertising websites 
      3. Provide a soft copy PO with a list of desired websites
    2. If you are interested in posting ads to local sites, the most common sites include Craigslist Santa Cruz/SFBay, Craigslist Monterey Bay and
    3. For jobs that are in progress and pending approval to post the candidate gateway, the recommendations and pricing will always be provided in an email from Talent Acquisition. We cannot send a formal .pdf campaign summary/quote unless the job is already posted.
    4. PLEASE NOTE: The ads will NOT BE PLACED if you do not send the soft copy PO to the Staff Ads Team ( Even if you process the PO that’s sent to JobElephant, they will NOT place the ads unless they get a specific request from our team.
  2. The hiring unit will review the recommendations and/or pricing and decide on the advertising sites to include in the final ad campaign. 
  3. If the hiring unit would like to proceed with paid advertising, they will obtain a purchase order through CruzBuy and email a pdf of the purchase order to along with a list of the final advertising sites desired.
    1. The purchase order should be payable to JobElephant
    2. There is no tax on these services
    3. If possible, list the individual advertising sites on the purchase order, as one or separate line items
    4. Please include the information below on the Purchase Requisition/PO
      1. Job Title
      2. Job ID# (if available)
      3. List of Platforms/Sites you will advertise on
      4. Cost of Advertising
    5. If you choose to create one line for the total cost of all the sites, be sure to add all the sites into the line-item description - this allows us to double check that the pricing is accurate and ensure we request ads on the appropriate sites
  4. The TA Admin will coordinate the final approved advertising campaign and forward the purchase order to JobElephant.
    1. We cannot request the placement of ads without a soft copy of the purchase order.
    2. JobElephant will NOT place any ads without express permission from Talent Acquisition, so please do not assume that processing the purchase order is sufficient. 
    3. Do not reach out to JobElephant directly. Though it may seem like a more efficient option, it only confuses the process and can result in ads being placed in error or no requested ads being placed at all.
  5. JobElephant places all ads and issues an invoice to the hiring unit. A confirmation email is sent to the unit when ads are posted and a copy of the purchase order and campaign summary is saved to the unit’s recruitment document suite.

NOTE: If Talent initiates changes to the job posting on behalf of the unit, including updates to the IRD, those changes will be captured automatically in the job wrap for advertising. There is no need for a request to make adjustments to paid ads. 


The Recruitment Ad Template contains standard copy and formatting used for UC Santa Cruz recruitment ads. When requesting a job flier for advertising purposes, the TA Admin Team will utilize this format unless otherwise requested. A job flier is only provided upon request by the Hiring Unit.

Hiring Units planning to conduct their own outreach to professional organizations or to use the Networking Resources provided by Staff HR are required to use the recruitment ad template. Hiring Units must consult with the TA Admin Team before removing standard content from the template.


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